Training of 100 members of UCLG Africa in conflict management
On May 20-21, 2021, UCLG Africa through its African Local Government Academy (ALGA) organized in partnership with the African Center for the Constructive Resolution of Disputes (ACCORD) a training session on: “Conflict Management”.
The training was given in French and English to 100 members of UCLG Africa. It was provided by ACCORD as part of its partnership with UCLG Africa on the training component.
Participants were able to strengthen their conflict analysis skills and gain a better understanding of mediation and negotiation approaches.
Thus, the actors of the cities and local authorities of the continent will be led to adopt proactive measures that will support their efforts to prevent and mitigate the conflicts that may arise in increasingly densely populated urban environments. Indeed, dealing with and managing conflicts at the urban level not only mitigates the potential for violence in these immediate locations, but also prevents local conflicts from escalating into larger and intractable conflicts.
The opening of the proceedings was made by the founder and Executive Director of ACCORD, Dr Vasu Gounden, and the Secretary General of UCLG Africa, Mr. Jean Pierre Elong Mbassi.