Tag Archive for: ALGA

Webinar on Metropolitan Governance in Africa: “Peer Learning from Local Experiences

On 17 February 2022, the African Local Government Academy (ALGA) of United Cities and Local Governments of Africa (UCLG Africa) and its partner Metropolis organized their 4th webinar on Metropolitan Governance in Africa: “Peer Learning from Local Experiences”.

This learning program focused on educational content designed by Metropolis and its “alliances” and provided an opportunity for participants to understand the metropolitan reality and how metropolitan governance from a gender perspective can be key to addressing the challenges and threats facing our metropolises.

The first webinar focused on “Metropolitan Governance Models” ; the characteristics of governance models namely: funding, competencies, democratic representation, multi-level relationships and the main challenges and strategies to promote a form of metropolitan governance with a gender perspective.

The second webinar was entitled “The right to the metropolitan city in the framework of the New Urban Agenda and the 2030 Agenda” and focused on the importance of reconsidering the right to the city in a metropolitan context that reflects the current reality of urban dynamics. As for the third webinar, it served as a space to present, share and discuss some case studies based on an African perspective.

This last round of the program was peer learning from metropolises including Cairo, Nouakchott, Lome, Tunis, Rabat, Abidjan, Kigali and Harare. 90 participants benefited from this learning session.

Follow the entire exchange here.

Visit of a Delegation from Cadi Ayyad University of Marrakech to the Headquarters of UCLG Africa

On Tuesday 14 December 2021, a delegation of 32 students from Cadi Ayyad University of Marrakech (Morocco) visited the headquarters of UCLG Africa. This delegation was led by Professor Fatima ARIB, Director of the ENCG, Professor Tarik ZAHRANE, Deputy Director in charge of Cooperation and Scientific Research, Ms. BENHAMMOU Nisrine and Mr. MANTOUR Youssef in charge of Communication and Cooperation and Sports Affairs at UCA of Marrakech.

This Delegation had the honor to be welcomed by the Secretary General of the umbrella organization of local governments in Africa, Mr. Jean Pierre Elong Mbassi and some of his collaborators: Dr. Najat Zarrouk, Director of Development, Capacity Building, Knowledge Management and  Director of the African Local Government  Academy (ALGA) of UCLG Africa, Mr. Mustapha Moufid, Director of the African Capitals of Culture Program, Director, Department of Culture, Migration, Peace and Security and Mr. Thierry Sanzhie Bokally, Head of the Knowledge Management Unit of UCLG Africa.

The Secretary General made a presentation on the history of UCLG Africa, its vision, its objectives, its structure, its governing bodies and finally on the various projects on which UCLG Africa is committed to contribute to the unity of the African continent through the dynamism of local and regional authorities, and to allow the transformation of “Africa of Nation States” into “Africa of Peoples and Territories”. He briefed them on the organization’s triennial flagship event, the “Africities Summit”, which is its 9th edition. This event will be held in Kisumu, an intermediate city in Kenya, on the theme “The role of Africa’s intermediate cities in the implementation of the United Nations Agenda 2030 and the African Union’s Agenda 2063”. Mr. Mbassi gave useful advice to the students while inviting them to get involved at a very young age in the management of local authorities. He awarded a certificate of recognition to the President of Cadi Ayyad University for his active involvement and collaboration during the 5th edition of the African Forum of Territorial Managers and Training Institutes targeting local authorities (FAMI 5).

Prof. Arib, on behalf of the delegation, thanked the Secretary General and all the staff of UCLG Africa for the warm welcome and the honor of being a privileged partner of UCLG Africa, especially during the FAMI, and for allowing the students present to understand the real stakes of decentralization and the role that UCLG Africa plays in the implementation of the global agendas

Dr. Zarrouk  appreciated the visit and took the opportunity to thank the first officials of the UCA for their remarkable support in the organization of the FAMI 5 and the strong partnership between the UCA and UCLG Africa.

Mr. Moufid in his speech drew the attention of students on the importance of culture as the essence of creativity, innovation and social link.

This visit follows the fruit of the partnership that exists on the one hand, between Cadi Ayyad University and UCLG Africa and on the other hand the holding of the 5th edition of the African Forum of Territorial Managers and Training Institutes targeting the Territorial Communities (FAMI5_2021) of UCLG Africa from 6 to 11 December 2021 at the Administrative and Cultural Complex MOHAMMED VI of Habous, Bab IGHLY in the Region of Marrakech-Safi on the theme “The Digital and Smart Transformation of Local Africa: The Time to Act is Now! !! “. The UCA is among the first partners who supported this edition with the participation of the faculty in the first row the president of the UCA and its students in Master and Doctorate in the plenary sessions and the various Workshops throughout the Forum.

PSI and UCLG Africa sign cooperation agreement to boost quality local public services in Africa and Arab Countries

United Cities and Local Governments of Africa (UCLG Africa) and the Africa and Arab Countries Region of Public Service International (PSI) signed today 24 September 2021, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for structured dialogue and cooperation between their respective constituencies. The Partners are the most representative membership-based organisations namely of local and regional government (LRG) managers and staff in the African continent.

Building on the longstanding dialogue and continued partnership between their international secretariats, the Partners sealed in a virtual launch their joint commitment to “bring their cooperation down to the subregions and territories where they operate and close to their respective memberships” their MoU reads.

The challenges local and regional governments face in the African continent are vast and public services inequalities stark. According to the UN, only 20 percent of the African urban population (excluding North Africa) has access to safely managed sanitation services, while 23 percent of slum dwellers are concentrated in Sub-Saharan Africa. Yet, through the Covid crisis, many African local authorities have rapidly put in place innovative emergency solutions and adaptation measures to ensure continued public service delivery. Their losses are now of up to 60 percent of average own sourced revenues.

Acknowledging these challenges, the Partners will prioritize joint initiatives towards:

  • enabling equitable access to quality local public services for all;
  • making cities, communities, and territories inclusive and fair;
  • realizing sustainable, just local socio-economic development;
  • building LRG staff’s capacity and skills, while ensuring their decent working conditions

UCLG Africa and PSI Africa and the Arab Countries will also cooperate to develop joint advocacy and actions – including in regional policy forums such as the African Union (AU) and the African Development Bank (AfDB) – on shared strategic priorities including effective decentralization; investment in LRG human capital through institutional and staff capacity enhancement and empowerment; funding for quality local public services; social dialogue; good and effective local governance; the localisation of regional and UN global agendas, including the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Paris Agreement to address climate change in African cities and territories, the Decent Work Agenda, and the Africa Agenda 2063.


Jean-Pierre Elong Mbassi, UCLG Africa General Secretary said: «Recalling that decentralisation means the transfer of power relationship, responsibilities, capacities and resources from national to all sub-national levels of government with the aim of strengthening the ability of the latter to both foster people’s participation and deliver quality services as defined by the 2014 African Charter on the Values and Principles of Decentralisation, Local Governance and Local Development, UCLG Africa’s membership is happy to cooperate from now on with PSI as a strategic partner, to invest in human capital and quality public services at sub-national level, and make sure to leave no one and no place behind».


Sani Baba, PSI Regional Secretary for Africa and the Arab Countries said: «Addressing the dire needs of the African and Arab Countries’ people for equitable access to quality local public services such as safe water and sanitation, heath care, energy, proper waste disposal, effective public transport, and decent housing is a major challenge for both our organisations. But working together we can unleash the unique potential of our local government constituencies to co-create and bring about concrete, progressive change to African cities and territories, to the benefit of local communities, as well as of local government institutions and their workers”.


Rosa Pavanelli, PSI General Secretary said: «PSI and UCLG are stronger together when their respective memberships cooperate to confront the multiple, concurrent challenges they increasingly face, including pandemic, climate, unemployment and informality, migration, public service funding, gender equality and the respect of human rights. This first regional commitment brings the spirit of the global dialogue and cooperation built over the years between PSI and UCLG down to the ground of African cities and territories and I am confident it will translate into concrete actions at a local level”.




Memorandum of Understanding between United Cities and Local Governments of Africa (UCLG Africa) and Public Service International (PSI) Africa and the Arab Countries (+).

About the Partners:

United Cities and Local Governments of Africa (UCLG Africa) is the Pan-African Organization composed of 54 National Associations of Local and Regional Governments (LRGs) from all regions of Africa, as well as 2000 cities and territories with more than 100,000 inhabitants, representing through its memberships nearly 350 million African citizen.

Public Service International (PSI) Africa and the Arab Countries is composed of 157 affiliated trade union organisations in 45 countries representing a combined membership of around 1.5 million women and men working at all levels of governments, including LRGs, to deliver quality public services to communities and territories. PSI Africa and the Arab Countries is a Region of Public Services International (PSI), a Global Union Federation of more than 700 trade unions representing 30 million workers in 154 countries. PSI brings the voice of public service workers to the UN, ILO, WHO and other regional and global organisations, defends trade union and workers’ rights and fights for universal access to quality public services.

Registration are open for the 5th edition of its African Forum of Territorial Managers and Training Institutes targeting Local Governments(FAMI)

The digital revolution over the past decade has created a real dynamic in the way we live, lead, govern, work, manage, and deliver. All over the world, we are fully immersed in the Knowledge, Digital and Artificial Intelligence Society. Cities around the world are moving and changing, imbalances are increasing, and problems are becoming more complex, especially in terms of Local Governance, Local Management, and Delivery of Local Public Services to meet the expectations, concerns, and needs of the populations. For Africa, the changes are profound, the stakes are high; and the territorial challenges are to be taken into consideration and urgently. The time to act is now.

Now, countries and cities are insisting in their strategic vision on e-Governance, digitization, and the development of smart cities, making this choice a strategic direction to ensure the dynamics of sustainable development at local and territorial level, within the framework of the implementation of the global 2030 Agendas and the African Agenda 2063.

Despite the existence of important African initiatives, sometimes leading to awards delivered by regional or international institutions, digital transformation is not yet a priority project for decentralization, for Local Governance, and for Local and Territorial Development.

It is in this context and to answer these questions that United Local Governments of Africa (UCLG Africa) through its two Development clusters, namely the African Local Government Academy  (ALGA) and the Operations and Technical Assistance, decided to dedicate the 5th edition of its African Forum of Territorial Managers and Training Institutes targeting Local Governments(FAMI), in hybrid mode (both in person and online), to the following general theme:


As this has been the case since 2017, the FAMI forum is intended to be a meeting that leaves no one behind, certainly dedicated to Local Authorities and Training Institutes in Africa, but also to all the other actors and stakeholders concerned by the dynamics of the transformation of Local Africa.


The Forum will be an opportunity to inform and exchange views and ideas on the dynamics of digital and smart transformation at the level of African Local and Regional Governments, especially in the era of the Covid-19 pandemic and beyond, with a focus on the commitments made, the progress achieved, the innovations relevant to Governance and Development at the local and territorial level, the challenges and obstacles faced, as well as the most relevant means to overcome them.

Due to the persistence of the Covid-19 pandemic, FAMI V will be organized in hybrid mode, mixing face-to-face and virtual meetings.


  • For UCLG Africa Members and Networks: 300 Euros.
  • For non-members of UCLG Africa: 400 Euros.
  • Spouses/accompanying persons: 100 Euros.
  • For Delegations/Groups with more than 5 participants: 20% discount.

Register here.

Read  the concept note here

Call for contributions for issue N°5 of the Voice of the African Local Manager

The African Local Manager Voice is a periodical publication produced by the African Local Government Academy (ALGA) of UCLG-Africa, the Network of HR Managers of African Local Governments, and the Observatory of Human Resources of Local Governments of UCLG Africa, within the framework of the enhancement, motivation and development of Human Resources of Local and Subnational Governments in Africa, as well as within the framework of regional and local initiatives.

It is a forum offered to Territorial Managers as a space for exchange, communication, debate and networking, making it possible to give visibility to Territorial Managers, to hear their voices, opinions and concerns, to exchange their experiences. success stories, and best practices. It is also a window where they can present and promote their missions, their jobs, their challenges, their innovations, and their creativity. Finally, it is an opportunity for them to discuss the various issues related to Human Resources Management at the local level. Taking due account of the cultural diversity which characterizes our continent, the Bulletin can welcome contributions in the different languages used at UCLG Africa, in particular English, French, Portuguese, and Arabic.

This 5th Issue of the “The Voice of the African Local Manager” bulletin will be a Special Issue dedicated to the following general theme: “Digital Transformation at African Local Level in the era of the Covid-19 pandemic and beyond: Benchmark of regional and local experiences”.

The choice of theme is not accidental. The Covid-19 crisis has radically changed the forecasts, the order of priorities, public policies, the action plans, as well as the strategies and prospects at all levels of governance. ICTs have proven to be a strategic lever to allow people to stay connected, to continue to govern, manage and produce, and to meet the expectations and concerns of populations. The pandemic has also been an accelerator of digitization according to the Twilio Report 2020, Covid-19 Digital Engagement Report.
The contribution must consist of four (4) pages maximum, i.e. 1,500 words, up to a maximum of 2,000 words; Font Type: Times New Roman, and Font Size 12; Any quotation from another author must be put in brackets and include its source, namely the author of the quotation or the document from which it is extracted, the exact title of the document, the date of publication, and the place of publication, by respect for intellectual property rights. You must provide your photo and a short biography (100 words maximum), mentioning the name of your Local Authority / Institution, as well as your contact information (Mobile phone, home or office phone, Fax, e- mail or Website of the Local Government / Institution to which you belong).

Deadline for submitting contributions: November 15, 2021.

Read  the full call here

Training of 100 members of UCLG Africa in conflict management

On May 20-21, 2021, UCLG Africa through its African Local Government Academy (ALGA) organized in partnership with the African Center for the Constructive Resolution of Disputes (ACCORD) a training session on: “Conflict Management”.

The training was given in French and English to 100 members of UCLG Africa. It was provided by ACCORD as part of its partnership with UCLG Africa on the training component.

Participants were able to strengthen their conflict analysis skills and gain a better understanding of mediation and negotiation approaches.

Thus, the actors of the cities and local authorities of the continent will be led to adopt proactive measures that will support their efforts to prevent and mitigate the conflicts that may arise in increasingly densely populated urban environments. Indeed, dealing with and managing conflicts at the urban level not only mitigates the potential for violence in these immediate locations, but also prevents local conflicts from escalating into larger and intractable conflicts.

The opening of the proceedings was made by the founder and Executive Director of ACCORD, Dr Vasu Gounden, and the Secretary General of UCLG Africa, Mr. Jean Pierre Elong Mbassi.


Online Capacity Building Workshop on Planning for Urban Risks and Making Cities Resilient

As part of the celebrations for the United Nation’s International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction, United Cities and Local Governments of Africa (UCLG Africa), through its African Local Government Academy (ALGA), organized an online capacity building workshop on planning, urban risks and resilient cities, from 19-21 October, 2020. This was in partnership with the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) and UCLG, through its UCLG Learning Department.

This Capacity Building workshop, held on the UNDRR Zoom platform, brought together 516 participants from 43 Countries, who are now members of the platform’s global community, for the exchange of information and sharing best practices on disaster risk reduction. 157 participants followed the online presentations over the two days and also actively participated in the preliminary dashboard development exercise for their respective cities.


Read More.

Call for contribution to the Issue N°4  of the AFRICAN LOCAL MANAGER VOICE



As part of the activities of the Local Africa Network HRnet and the Observatory of Local Human Resources in Africa of UCLG Africa, a call for contribution for the issue  N° 4 of the “African Local Manager Voice”,  is open.

The theme of this second issue is : “Managing the Human Resources of Local Government in Africa in Time of Covid-19 Pandemic and beyond: between Lockdown, Continuity of Local Public Services, Isolation and Work-From-Home”.


The newsletter is mainly open to contributions from African Territorial Managers regardless of their field of activity or professional field. However, in a spirit of openness to the environment of African Territorial Communities and Benchmarking, any other contribution having an added value.

Contributions are expected before 15 Novembre 2020.

Read More here.