Webinar on Metropolitan Governance in Africa: “Peer Learning from Local Experiences
On 17 February 2022, the African Local Government Academy (ALGA) of United Cities and Local Governments of Africa (UCLG Africa) and its partner Metropolis organized their 4th webinar on Metropolitan Governance in Africa: “Peer Learning from Local Experiences”.
This learning program focused on educational content designed by Metropolis and its “alliances” and provided an opportunity for participants to understand the metropolitan reality and how metropolitan governance from a gender perspective can be key to addressing the challenges and threats facing our metropolises.
The first webinar focused on “Metropolitan Governance Models” ; the characteristics of governance models namely: funding, competencies, democratic representation, multi-level relationships and the main challenges and strategies to promote a form of metropolitan governance with a gender perspective.
The second webinar was entitled “The right to the metropolitan city in the framework of the New Urban Agenda and the 2030 Agenda” and focused on the importance of reconsidering the right to the city in a metropolitan context that reflects the current reality of urban dynamics. As for the third webinar, it served as a space to present, share and discuss some case studies based on an African perspective.
This last round of the program was peer learning from metropolises including Cairo, Nouakchott, Lome, Tunis, Rabat, Abidjan, Kigali and Harare. 90 participants benefited from this learning session.
Follow the entire exchange here.