Our Vision & Mission

“To promote decentralization and African local government as a distinct and autonomous sphere of government while building African unity and driving African ​​development through the grassroots.”


United Cities and Local Governments of Africa (UCLG Africa)

The umbrella organization for African local governments, was founded in 2005 in the City of Tshwane, South Africa as a result of the unification of three continental groups of local governments, namely the African Union of Local Authorities (AULA); the Union des Villes Africaines (UVA); and the Africa Chapter of the União das Ciudades e Capitães Lusófonas Africanas, (UCCL AFRICA).

Where We Will Be

We are always busy somewhere.  Find out where you can meet up with us.

Our Pillars

Capacity and Knowledge Management of Local Authorities and National Associations

One of the key elements of our service delivery includes working closely with our members to ensure political representation and financial sustainability.

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Advocacy and Mobilization for Decentralization

As the leading advocate for decentralization we understand that wider participation on this agenda and other African and Global Agendas will not happen on its own.

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Access to Funding and Technical Assistance of Local Authorities and Their Associations

Providing good governance in local government systems is no easy task and requires professional administration and strong leadership.

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UCLG Africa delivers programs aimed at improving the lives of grassroots communities across the continent.

Our History

  • 1975

    Creation of the Union of African Cities (UVA) with headquarters in Dakar (Senegal)

  • 1988

    Transfer of the UVA headquarters from Dakar to Rabat (Morocco)

  • 1996

    Creation of the Coordination of World Associations of Cities and Local Authorities (WACLAC) during the Habitat II Summit in Istanbul (Turkey)

  • 1998

    First Africities Summit in Abidjan (Côte d’Ivoire)

  • 2000

    The Lomé Summit adopted the Constitutional Act of the Union.Creation of the Council of African Municipalities and Regions (CCRA) bringing together the three groups of local authorities according to the official language of their countries of origin (English-speaking, French-speaking, Portuguese-speaking)

  • 2003

    Establishment of the Council of African Municipalities and Regions (CCRA) at the Africities 3 Summit in Yaoundé (Cameroon), later renamed United Cities and Local Governments of Africa (UCLGA)

  • 2005

    Founding Congress of UCLGA in Tshwane (South Africa)

  • 2006

    Launch of the LEDNA (Local Economic Development Network of Africa)

  • 2008

    First extraordinary general assembly of UCLG Africa in Abuja (Nigeria)

    Adoption of the GADDEPA, strategic plan 2008-2020 of UCLG Africa

  • 2009

    Creation of the AfricanLocal Government Academy (ALGA)

  • 2010

    Meeting of the Pan-African Council of UCLG Africa in Cairo (Egypt)

    Participation of UCLG Africa in the 2nd World Congress of UCLG in Mexico City (Mexico)

  • 2011

    Launch of REFELA in Tangier (Morocco)

  • 2012

    Ordinary General Assembly of UCLG Africa in Dakar (Senegal), putting an end to the crisis that started in 2006 and consecrating the return to unity within the UCLG Africa family

    Launch of the Peer Review program

  • 2013

    Launch of the Territorial Coaching program

    Creation of the African Observatory on Local Finance

    Creation of the Africa MAGNET (Network of city managers) and Africa FINET (Network of city Financial Directors)

  • 2014

    Adoption by the Heads of State and Government of the African Union of the African Charter of Values and Principles on Decentralization, Local Governance and Local Development

  • 2015

    Establishment of UCLG Africa Regional Offices

  • 2016

    Adoption of the new constitution of UCLG Africa in an extraordinary General Assembly: the acronym retained is UCLG Africa instead of UCLGA

    Launching of the African Observatory on Human Resources of Subnational and Local Governments

  • 2017

    Establishment of the Knowledge Hub, the Resource Centre UCLG Africa

    First African Forum of Territorial Managers and Training Institutes targeting Local Governments (FAMI)

    Launch of the Climate Task Force

    Creation of the Africa TECHNET (Network of city Technical Directors)

  • 2018

    African Forum of Regions

    Adoption of the Charter of African Local Authorities on Migration

    Official launch of the Campaign on "African cities without street children " by its Patron, Princess Lalla Meryem of Morocco

    8th edition of the Africities Summit in Marrakech (Morocco) which coincided with the celebration of the 20th anniversary of Africities

  • 2019

    Proposal of the program on territorializing the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) to accelerate the achievement of the objectives of the Paris Agreement

    Establishment of the African Committee of Heads of State and Government on Climate Change (CAHOSCC) whose declaration lists UCLG Africa among the organizations responsible for supporting the implementation of the Climate Agenda on the African continent

  • 2020

    Adoption of GADDEPA 2.0, the strategic plan 2021-2030 of UCLG Africa

  • 2022

    First Africities 9th edition summit in an intermediary city, Kisumu City - Kenya.

    ‘The Role of Intermediary Cities of Africa in the implementation of Agenda 2030 of the United Nations and the African Union Agenda 2063’.

UCLG Africa Network


North Africa Region

UCLG Africa Headquarters
22 Essaadyine Street,
Hassan, Rabat
Tel: +212 53 726 0062


North Africa Regional Office

UCLG Africa
North Africa Regional Office (NARO)


Central Africa Region

UCLG Africa
Central Africa Regional Office (CARO)


East Africa Region

UCLG Africa
East Africa Regional Office (EARO)

West Africa Region

UCLG Africa
West Africa Regional Office (WARO)


South Africa Region

UCLG Africa
South Africa Regional Office (SARO)
Tel: +255 27 250 4703