Complete our Survey on Local Public Services and the quality of Service Delivery in African Cities

UCLG Africa, his African Local Government Academy (ALGA) and his Observatory of Human Resources of Local Governments in Africa, initiate the survey on local public services and the quality of service delivery in Africa Cities.  The objective of this survey is to assess quality in the delivery of services of Cities in Africa through the perception of citizens and users over the period from January to August 2018. The result will be incorporate in the 1st Report on the state of HRM at the level of African Local and Regional Governments, which will be presented at the Africities 8 Summit in Marrakech from 20 to 24 November 2018.

During the period from January to August 2018, you used your Municipality to request one or more services. We would like to know your opinion, your perception and your appreciation of the quality of the service (s) through your own assessment of the following topics:

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