Job Offer : One (01) Senior Adaptation Officer, one (01) Communication and Knowledge Management Specialist, one (01) Translator and Interpreter and (01) Senior Climate Finance Consultant

Call for applications – Consultant for the development and implementation of an Accreditation and Quality Assurance Unit for Training Institutes and Programmes Targeting African Local Governments



UCLG Africa launch the call for applications for the recruitment of a consultant to develop and implement an Accreditation and Quality Assurance Unit for Training Institutes and Programmes Targeting African Local Governments at its African Local Government Academy (ALGA).

The terms of reference are available here.

Please read the clarification related to point III of the terms of reference  here.


This call for consultation is open to consultancy firms or groups of consultants.

Interested bidders are invited to send their submission file to the following addresses: Address:

By post : Address: General Secretariat of United Cities and Local Governments of Africa (UCLG-Africa), N ° 22 Rue Essaadiyine, Quartier Hassan, Zip Code 10020, Rabat, Morocco,

– By email:  and


Deadline: 15 September 2021 at 16:30pm (U.T.C. + 1)

Call for applications – Consultant for : Support to the formulation of a Readiness request to the GCF in favor of local governments of WAEMU countries through UCLG Africa

  1. The terms of reference are available   here  (in french).
  2. The Instructions to tenderers  here (available in french).

      Deadline: 30 May  2021

Recruitment staff for Jinja GOVERNANCE, RESILIENCE AND GREENING project







In the framework of Jinja GOVERNANCE, RESILIENCE AND GREENING project, funded by the European Union and implemented by the United Cities and Local Governments of Africa (UCLG Africa) in partnership with the Cities of Jinja (Uganda), Soria (Spain), Chefchaouen (Morocco) and Kisumu (Kenya), recruitment for the following positions is open:

Candidates who are interested in applying for one of the positions listed above should send their applications before 23rd February 2021, by 10.00am (GMT).

CALL OF TENDERS For the selection of a service provider for assistance to the UCLG-Africa on core app and web server infrastructure security and maintenance

The United Cities and Local Governments of Africa (UCLG Africa) is the umbrella organization and the united voice and representative of local government in Africa. It results from the unification of the three pre-existing continental groupings of local governments, namely the African Union of Local Authorities (AULA), the Union des Villes Africaines (UVA) and the Africa Chapter of the União das Cidades e Capitais Lusofonas Africanas, (UCCLA).

UCLG Africa is an institution that gathers 40 national associations of local governments from all regions of Africa as well as the 2000 cities that have more than 100.000 inhabitants. Therefore through its membership, UCLG Africa represents nearly 350 million Africans citizens.

UCLG Africa is a founding member of the United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) world organization, and its regional section for Africa. UCLG Africa is currently headquartered in the City of Rabat, The Kingdom of Morocco, where it enjoys a diplomatic status as a Pan-African International Organization.

The UCLG Africa Secretariat consists of the Secretary General and the administrative staff at the UCLG Africa Headquarters and at the regional offices of UCLG Africa. The Secretary General is appointed by the Executive Committee and is the Chief Executive and Accounting Officer of the administration and secretariat of the UCLG Africa and is accountable to the Executive Committee. Its role includes managing the secretariat, supervising the regional offices of the UCLG Africa; and Taking charge of the implementation of activities and programs of the UCLG Africa.


1. Background

The UCLG Africa staff committed to update the website content through officers with limited experience in front and back end wed content management whose capacities will be strengthened through guided learning and targeted support provided under the agreement’s knowledge transfer component over its one year duration.

2. Content of the mission

The service provider will:

– Provide renewal service for domain name and web hosting of UCLG Africa

– Implement security and maintenance updates as needed (including to CMs, modules and core updates

– Maintain the website’s adaptability (according to devices screen size)

– Be responsible for ongoing maintenance (inclusive of version Updates, security updates, fixes bugs, and daily backups)of the websites ensuring that they continue to run smoothly and are protected from security theats.

3.Title of the Contract

Service contract for the assistance to UCLG Africa on core app and web server infrastructure security and maintenance

more information here

We are Hiring : Staff for the Academy of Local Governments of Africa (ALGA)






UCLG Africa is launching a call for applications to join the staff of its ‘African Local Government Academy  (ALGA).

Two posts are open:

– Officer in charge of Accreditation, Labeling and Quality Assurance

-Officer in charge of the African Local Human Resources Observatory

To have all the necessary information to apply for one of the proposed positions: the requested profile, missions, tasks, required skills, … interested candidates are invited to click on the document here and read it carefully.

Please note that interested candidates for each position MUST include:

1- A cover letter, specifying salary expectations;
2- A detailed CV;
3- Certified copies of degrees and work certificates;
4- Professional references;
5- And a photo ID.

A candidate can apply to only one of the three positions.

Applications should be submitted to The Secretary General of the United Cities and Local Governments of Africa (UCLG-Africa) before March 31, 2020 at the following e-mail addresses: and or to: The United Cities and Local Governments of Africa (UCLG-Africa), 22, Essaadyine Street, Hassan District, Zip Code 10020, Rabat- Morocco, with the mention in the object “ALGA RECRUITEMENT STAFF”.

AVIS DE MARCHÉ DE SERVICES Avis d’appel d’offre pour la fourniture de gardiennage pour le compte du Secrétariat Général de Cités et Gouvernements Locaux Unis d’Afrique (CGLU-A) dans le cadre de son fonctionnement annuel

Lieu d’exécution : Rabat, Maroc

1. Procédure

2. Pouvoir adjudicateur
Cités et Gouvernements Locaux Unis d’Afrique


3. Nature du marché
Prix unitaire

4. Description du marché
Prestations de services de gardiennage, comprenant, mais non exclusivement, le gardiennage, la sécurite du Secrétariat de CGLU-A dans le cadre de son fonctionnement annuel, la surveillance des locaux du Secretariat, et d’autres services de gardiennage connexes, si nécessaires.

5. Nombre et intitulé des lots
Lot unique

6. Budget maximal
MAD 350 000


7. Éligibilité
La participation au marché est ouverte à toutes les personnes physiques ou morales invitées à soumissionner par le pouvoir adjudicateur qui sont effectivement établies au Royaume du Maroc.

8. Nombre de candidatures
Une personne physique ou morale ne peut soumettre plus d’une candidature. Dans le cas où une personne physique ou morale soumettrait plus d’une candidature, toutes les candidatures auxquelles cette personne participe seront rejetées.

9. Interdiction des alliances entre des soumissionnaires retenus sur la liste restreinte.

Toute offre reçue de la part de soumissionnaires comprenant des sociétés autres que celles mentionnées sur les formulaires de candidature ayant servi à l’établissement de la liste restreinte sera éliminée de la présente procédure restreinte, sauf si le pouvoir adjudicateur l’autorise au préalable. Les candidats invités à soumissionner ne peuvent ni s’associer ni établir de relations sous-contractuelles entre eux concernant le marché en question.

10. Possibilités de sous-traitance
La sous-traitance n’est pas autorisée

lire la suite ici

CALL OF TENDERS For the selection of a service provider for support and maintenance of Integrated Information Management System IIMS

The United Cities and Local Governments of Africa (UCLG Africa) is the umbrella organization and the united voice and representative of local government in Africa. It results from the unification of the three pre-existing continental groupings of local governments, namely the African Union of Local Authorities (AULA), the Union des Villes Africaines (UVA) and the Africa Chapter of the União das Cidades e Capitais Lusofonas Africanas, (UCCLA).

UCLG Africa is an institution that gathers 40 national associations of local governments from all regions of Africa as well as the 2000 cities that have more than 100.000 inhabitants. Therefore through its membership, UCLG Africa represents nearly 350 million Africans citizens.

UCLG Africa is a founding member of the United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) world organization, and its regional section for Africa. UCLG Africa is currently headquartered in the City of Rabat, The Kingdom of Morocco, where it enjoys a diplomatic status as a Pan-African International Organization.

The UCLG Africa Secretariat consists of the Secretary General and the administrative staff at the UCLG Africa Headquarters and at the regional offices of UCLG Africa. The Secretary General is appointed by the Executive Committee and is the Chief Executive and Accounting Officer of the administration and secretariat of the UCLG Africa and is accountable to the Executive Committee. Its role includes managing the secretariat, supervising the regional offices of the UCLG Africa; and Taking charge of the implementation of activities and programs of the UCLG Africa.


1. Background

The UCLG Africa currently has a deployed Integrated Information Management System IIMS running on MS Office 365 , SharePoint and it related APPS.

2. Content of the mission

The service provider will:

– Implement security and maintenance updates as needed ( including to modules and core updates)

– Be responsible for ongoing maintenance inclusive of version updates, security updates, fixes to bugs, licence management of the IIMS ensuring that they continue to run smoothly and are protected from security threats.

3.Title of the Contract

Service contract for support and maintenance on Integrated Information Management System IIMS

More information here

CALL OF TENDERS For the selection of a service provider for assistance to the UCLG-Africa on core app and web server infrastructure security and maintenance

The United Cities and Local Governments of Africa (UCLG Africa) is the umbrella organization and the united voice and representative of local government in Africa. It results from the unification of the three pre-existing continental groupings of local governments, namely the African Union of Local Authorities (AULA), the Union des Villes Africaines (UVA) and the Africa Chapter of the União das Cidades e Capitais Lusofonas Africanas, (UCCLA).

UCLG Africa is an institution that gathers 40 national associations of local governments from all regions of Africa as well as the 2000 cities that have more than 100.000 inhabitants. Therefore through its membership, UCLG Africa represents nearly 350 million Africans citizens.

UCLG Africa is a founding member of the United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) world organization, and its regional section for Africa. UCLG Africa is currently headquartered in the City of Rabat, The Kingdom of Morocco, where it enjoys a diplomatic status as a Pan-African International Organization.

The UCLG Africa Secretariat consists of the Secretary General and the administrative staff at the UCLG Africa Headquarters and at the regional offices of UCLG Africa. The Secretary General is appointed by the Executive Committee and is the Chief Executive and Accounting Officer of the administration and secretariat of the UCLG Africa and is accountable to the Executive Committee. Its role includes managing the secretariat, supervising the regional offices of the UCLG Africa; and Taking charge of the implementation of activities and programs of the UCLG Africa.


1. Background

The UCLG Africa staff committed to update the website content through officers with limited experience in front and back end wed content management whose capacities will be strengthened through guided learning and targeted support provided under the agreement’s knowledge transfer component over its one year duration.

2. Content of the mission

The service provider will:

– Provide renewal service for domain name and web hosting of UCLG Africa

– Implement security and maintenance updates as needed (including to CMs, modules and core updates

– Maintain the website’s adaptability (according to devices screen size)

– Be responsible for ongoing maintenance (inclusive of version Updates, security updates, fixes bugs, and daily backups)of the websites ensuring that they continue to run smoothly and are protected from security theats.

3.Title of the Contract

Service contract for the assistance to UCLG Africa on core app and web server infrastructure security and maintenance

more information here