Call for applications – Consultant for the development and implementation of an Accreditation and Quality Assurance Unit for Training Institutes and Programmes Targeting African Local Governments
UCLG Africa launch the call for applications for the recruitment of a consultant to develop and implement an Accreditation and Quality Assurance Unit for Training Institutes and Programmes Targeting African Local Governments at its African Local Government Academy (ALGA).
The terms of reference are available here.
Please read the clarification related to point III of the terms of reference here.
This call for consultation is open to consultancy firms or groups of consultants.
Interested bidders are invited to send their submission file to the following addresses: Address:
By post : Address: General Secretariat of United Cities and Local Governments of Africa (UCLG-Africa), N ° 22 Rue Essaadiyine, Quartier Hassan, Zip Code 10020, Rabat, Morocco,
– By email: and
Deadline: 15 September 2021 at 16:30pm (U.T.C. + 1)