Leaders in Local Government for Transparency and Integrity in Service Delivery in Africa
“Fighting Corruption at the closest level to the people”
Promoting good practice for cities, and sub-national and local governments is a focal point for the United Cities and Local Governments of Africa’s (UCLG Africa) work on the fight against corruption. UCLG Africa’s work on transparency, accountability and integrity is undertaken within the framework of GADDEPA and builds on the African Union’s Convention on Preventing and Combating Corruption, which was ratified in 2006. During Africities in Johannesburg, anti-corruption featured widely throughout the summit and discussions with Transparency International led to a partnership agreement aimed at promoting the implementation of joint projects on transparency and integrity targeting sub-national levels of governance in Africa.
“Transparency and accountability at local level will be the cornerstone of development especially where citizens interact with the public sector” Chantel Uwimana former Director of Transparency International – Africa.
Transparency International, the leading international organisation for the fight against corruption produces an annual “Corruption Perceptions Index” which clearly shows that no country in the world comes even close to a perfect score and unfortunately Africa as a region, represents one of the most corrupt regions. Botswana, Cape Verde and Rwanda are the only Sub-Saharan African countries that are ranked within the top 50 and 21 sub Saharan Africa countries in the bottom 50.
Click on picture to go to siteGiven the importance of anti-corruption measures and transparency, participation, accountability and integrity a pilot project called Leaders in Local Government for Transparency and Integrity in Service Delivery in Africa was set-up with the aim of strengthening local governments transparency and Integrity to combat corruption in service delivery. The joint initiative was launched on the 4th April, 2017 in Nairobi, Kenya with two sub-national governments, Walvis Bay Municipal Council and Kabarole District in Uganda, participating in this initial phase.
The pilot phase aims “to introduce the methodology and systems that will help local governments detect and curb bad practice” Says Charles Patsika – Director of Membership Development for UCLG Africa. Watch video
Over the next 6 months, Transparency International – Kenya will work with the two identified districts to share best practice and support the introduction of systems to help reduce corruption. Some of the best practice already introduced by Kabarole District in Uganda includes
The measurable impact of the project will be presented in a report and at our next Africities in 2018, Brazzaville, Republic of Congo. The project hopes to garner support from other sub-national and local governments across the continent who need support to combat corruption in service delivery.
For more information about the project, please contact.
Mr. Charles K. PATSIKA
Director – Membership Development, Networks Coordination
and External Relations : ckpatsika@uclga.org