The REFELA “Campaign# of African Cities, with zero tolerance for violence against women and girls”, selected to the Idealkent Awards for Women-friendly City
The Local Elected Women’s Network of Africa (REFELA) of UCLG Africa launched on 31 January 2019 a call of expression of interest to cities wishing to voluntarily take part in the, “Campaign of African Cities, Zero Tolerance to Violence Against Women and Girls”. 22 African cities have voluntarily joined this campaign.
On November 2019, this “Campaign# of African Cities, with zero tolerance for violence against women and girls” has been selected to Idealkent Awards for Women-friendly City.
The REFELA campaign is qualified as an “innovative and outstanding project” by The organizers.
The Idealkent Award Ceremony will take place on 16 January 2020 in Paris UNESCO building.
The Idealkent Awards is an initiative of the Institute of Urban Studies.
The Idealken Awards aims to support planning projects that calculates growth in the future in a multidimensional way, the protection of urban and architectural structure, the human-centric urban transformation applications, the efforts for identity and culture construction, the arrangements of human ecology and environmental planning, the pedestrian-centric city planning, incentivizing mass transportation practices; and encourages urban actors who care about and make efforts to maintain participatory democracy in the cities.
To no more about the Idealkent Awards and all the categories visit the website here .
Read the motivation of some cities involve in the REFELA Campaign here.