Johannesburg (South Africa) will host the 7th Edition of the Africities Summit

The Africities Political Commission met on 18 December 2013 in Brazzaville at the Conference Hall of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Republic of Congo.


The aim of this meeting was to choose the Host City of the Africities Summit to be held from 01 to 05 December 2015.

The Africities Political Commission is composed of the President of United Cities and Local Governments of Africa (UCLG Africa) who is presently from the West African sub-region, and the four Vice -Presidents of each of the other 4 sub-regions of Africa, as well as the UCLG-A Secretary General who is an ex officio member of the Commission.

After deliberation, the Africities Political Commission chose the City of Johannesburg (South Africa), to host the 7th Edition of the Africities Summit from 01 to 05 December 2015.

Furthermore, the Commission decided to adopt as theme of the Summit: “2063 Vision for Africa: Which contributions from the African Local Governments ?”

Please click here to read the Presse release