Call for Expression of Interest: Training of Trainers on “Life Beyond Tourism” (17 to 21 June 2019, Florence, Italy)

Based on its Constitution and founding values, in particular with regard to respect for human dignity, equality and the promotion of human rights and liberties; respect for the equality of people without discrimination of race or beliefs; the adherence to traditional values of African people, namely compassion, tolerance, peace, solidarity, brotherhood, friendliness and the community of spirit and goals; its Vision, “Governance, Advocacy and Decentralized Development Program for Africa” (GADDEPA), with particular reference to Priority 3 (Human Capital Development, Capacity Building and Intellectual Exchange); and its African Local Government Academy’s (ALGA) activities and offer of training, especially the creation of a college for Tourism, Heritage, and Intercultural Dialogue;

Within the framework of the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs, especially SDG 11: Make Cities and Human Settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable);

Within the framework of the implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding signed on August 2017, between UCLG-Africa and the Fondazione ROMUALDO DEL BIANCO and its International Institute of Life Beyond Tourism (II LBT);

Based on the success of the first experience of Training of Trainers organized in 2018, which benefited 10 participants from Africa (as well as 2 from Russia and 1 from Germany), within the framework of the ALGA College on Culture and Heritage1, II LBT and UCLG-Africa, decided and agreed to organize a second Special Intensive Course for Training the Trainers on “Life Beyond Tourism,” from 17 to 21 June 2019, (5 days) in Florence, Italy.

Read more here.
Download the registration form here.