4th International Award UCLG –Mexico City -Culture 21: Segou (Mali) winner, special mention for Yopougon (Ivory Coast)
The results of the fourth edition of the International Award UCLG –Mexico City -Culture 21 were made public on 29 May 2020 during the Executive Bureau of UCLG. Two African cities are among the laureates, Ségou from Mali and Yopougon from Côte d’Ivoire.
In the “city” category, 81 81 bids from cities and local governments from across the world were received between 15 November 2019 and 18 March 2020.
The Jury analysed all the nominations submitted in each of the two categories and decided to award the Prize to the nominations of (in alphabetical order) “Network of Arts and Cultural Practices in Medellín”, submitted by the City of Medellín (Colombia), and “Ségou: A Creative City”, submitted by Ségou (Mali). Each candidature will receive EUR 25,000.
The project “Ségou: A Creative City” started in 2015 as an initiative by the Festival on the Niger Foundation. In partnership with the municipality of Ségou, the initiative has provided the city with a sound cultural policy focused on sustainable development. The implication and commitment of all cultural actors together with the local government and civil society in the implementation process of this solid initiative has helped unfold its main objectives, providing access for everyone to culture and enhancing the value of Ségou’s cultural identities -music, design and fashion, visual arts, heritage and gastronomy- and artistic and cultural creation, by putting art and culture at the centre of local development. “Ségou: A Creative City” has contributed to professionalize the cultural sector as well, improving the working conditions of cultural and creative actors and creating synergies among cultural organisations, stakeholders and citizens. Furthermore, “Ségou: A Creative City” constitutes a suitable framework for collaboration with other African cities, and promotes the implementation of projects based on co-creation, co-production, exchange of experiences and sharing of good practices.More details on the Segou project here.
The International Jury decided to award 2 cities, give 7 special mentions, and award 2 individuals. Among the special mentions, the city of Yopougon was selected for its project ” “Yopougon: Becoming an educational and creative city through social cohesion”. This is a sound and complete initiative that demonstrates the willingness of the local government to place culture as a pillar of local sustainability policies. The initiative has a clear inclusive and participatory component, with specific lines on the integration of youth into the cultural and creative sector, which has resulted in the improvement of the well-being of citizens. More details here.
All the details about the 4th edition of the UCLG International Prize – City of Mexico -Culture 21 here.