Territorial Coaching Program – June 2013
Territorial coaching, a program launched by UCLG Africa and Echos Communication, aims at pursuing the synergy among local actors to mobilize their respective potentials in order to solve a specific issue or to promote territorial sustainable development.
Territorial coaching focuses on the behavioral dimension of change processes in order for territorial players to embrace new attitudes supportive of a constructive dialogue that involves them, leading to new directions and situations that will enable them to overcome miscommunications and relational issues, as well as to get organized so as to take common actions and get positive results on the long run.
On Thursday May 30th and Friday May 31st 2013 in Salé (Morocco), the Territorial Coaching program team organized the 4th module of the “Territorial Coaches” training which was launched in February 2013 and goes on until September 2013.
To mark the 4th Module, around twenty Moroccan participants underwent role playing and real-life situations to experience the attitude of a territorial coach and the toolbox made available to well manage interventions in territories. It revolved around preparing our future territorial coaches for the interventions they’ll be making on the first few days after they return to their territories. These interventions will take place under the supervision of the Senior Coaches.
The last training module will unfold early July 2013 under the theme: “Management of difficult personalities”.
We wish plenty of courage and long life to our future first African territorial coaches.
Web site: www.coachingterritorial.com