First UCLG Africa Regional Seminar-West Africa, Dakar, Senegal
The proceedings of the first UCLG Africa Regional Seminar of West Africa held in Dakar, Senegal, were closed Wednesday, August 5, 2015.
This seminar falls within a series of regional seminars organized by UCLG Africa and scheduled in the upcoming months in the other regions of Africa.
The West Africa seminar was placed under the theme: “African Local Governments – Contribution to the Unity of Africa”. It witnessed the participation of fifteen countries of the West Africa Region represented by the Chairmen of National Associations of Mayors and their Permanent Secretaries as well as the major cities in the countries that do not have national associations of Local Governments.
The first day of the seminar helped to upgrade the knowledge of the participants regarding the evolution of the environment for the action of local governments, both in Africa and at the world level.
The second day was devoted to the review of the place of local governments of West Africa in the network of United Cities and Local Governments of Africa (UCLG-A) and in the network of the world organization of United Cities and Local Governments.
The third and last day addressed the issue of participation of West Africa in the 7th edition of the Africities Summit to be held at the Sandton International Convention Center, in Johannesburg, South Africa, from 29 November to 03 December 2015.
Read more in the Press Release here.
The seminar’s report will be available soon