AMPCC President in a Working Visit to UCLG Africa Headquarters

United Cities and Local Governments of Africa (UCLG Africa) Secretary General received, on 21 January 2015 in UCLG Africa headquarters in Rabat, a delegation led by Mr. Fouad El Omari, President of “l’Association Marocaine des Présidents des Conseils Communaux” (AMPCC) and Mayor of Tangier (Morocco), with three of his close collaborators.


This visit, at the same time of courtesy and work, aimed at getting in touch with the UCLG Africa Secretary General to officially inform him about the creation of the new association (AMPCC) and to exchange with him on the areas of common interest in order to benefit from his expertise.

Several key issues were discussed by UCLG Africa Secretary General and AMPCC President as well. Notably the upcoming Africities Summit in Johannesburg on December 2015, the important role played by UCLG Africa during Rabat-2013 and the vital work the organization is doing now.

The AMPCC President exposed the three big projects his association will work on and the actions they intend to take in accordance with the vision of His Majesty the King Mohammed VI of Morocco.

For more details, read the article available in French here.