Executive Course on Enhancing Public Financial Governance and Management in Africa, New Dates

The African Association for Public Administration and Management (AAPAM) and the  Centre of Specialization in Public Administration and Management (CESPAM)- University of Botswana have partnered to deliver  an  executive course on Enhancing Public Financial  Governance and Management in Africa to be held in  Gaborone, Botswana from  26 to 28 July 2016.

This course seeks to build leadership competencies in establishing a culture of stewardship for managing public funds. It will also examine strategies for financial administration and accountability in Africa. Since good governance in the public sector is critical to the achievement of national, continental and global developmental goals, this course will cover areas such as governance, ethics and accountability; principles of financial accountability, leading risk assessment, management, and mitigation; evaluating corporate governance strategies among others.

The executive course on Enhancing Public Financial Governance and Management in Africa is open to all who are interested in public finance and governance. The organizers have not specified any specific requirements to enroll in this executive Course.

To take part in the executive course on Enhancing Public Financial Governance and Management in Africa, a registration form (available here) must be filled and returned to Center of Specialization in Public Administration and Management (CESPAM), University of Botswana via email or fax to:

Tel :  botshelov@mopipi.ub.bw 

Cc :  info@aapam.org 

Fax : +267 3185 099