ALGA represented UCLG Africa at the Annual Conference of the International Association of Schools and Institutes for Administration (IASIA)
The International Association of Schools and Institutes for Administration (IASIA), organized his annual Conference in Republic of Peru, from 23 to 26 July 2018 on the theme “Globalization, Territories and Integration”. UCLG Africa, was represented by Dr Najat Zarrouk, Director of the African Local Governments Academy (ALGA).
UCLG Africa was admitted as a Corporate member of the International Institute of Administrative Science (IIAS), while ALGA was admitted as Corporate member of IASIA since February 2017 by the Boards of this 2 Organizations, based in Belgium (Brussels).
The Conference organized in Partnership with the Peruvian Authorities was attended by 250 participants representing 48 Countries.
The main activities where the Director of ALGA was involved are as following:
- The Director of ALGA served as the Chair of the Working Group II of IASIA on Ethics and Culture of the Public Sector on Monday 23 July 2018;
- Presentation of a paper on “Financial Autonomy of Territorial Collectivities in Morocco: Between Achievements and Challenges of Local Self-Government & Subsidiarity”, on 25 July 2018;
- Presentation during the Working Group IV on “Subnational Governance and Development” on “Empowering and Equipping Local Governments to deal with the SDGs: Roadmap and Progress in Localizing the Global Agendas in Africa on Thursday 26 July, 2018;
- Participation to the General Assembly of IASIA on Thursday 26 July 2018;
- Organization of a meeting with the Operators identified to be involved during Africities 8 Summit (20-24 November 2018 , Marrakesh, Moroco) namely the UNDESA, the IISA, the AISIA, and BIPA/MENAPAR. She presented the theme of the Summit, the concept note, the methodology and the conditions required.
- Dissemination of a large documentation on UCLG Africa, Africities Summit 2018, and ALGA.