Gender Promotion

REFELA Summary


The Network of Local Women Elected in Africa (REFELA) was created in March 2011 in Tangier, under the impulse of United Cities and Local Governments of Africa (UCLG Africa) with the support of the Kingdom of Morocco.

REFELA brings together at the continental African level, women mayors and local elected representatives and constitutes their voice for the promotion of gender responsive local governance.

REFELA is attached to UCLG Africa and has been its Standing Committee on Gender Equality since 2016.

REFELA is represented at the level of the Standing Committee on Gender Equality of UCLG World, which is recognized as the voice of the world’s cities and local governments by the United Nations.


« Building a parity, inclusive and gender-sensitive local Africa ».

We seek to build an equitable, inclusive and gender-sensitive Africa, where gender equity prevails and communities mobilize to protect vulnerable children and to ensure territorial inclusiveness in Africa. We support initiatives to empower women and girls.


  • To be the engine of change for equity,
  • empowerment of women and girls
  • protection of vulnerable children and inclusiveness of all categories in difficulty.
  • Mrs Rohey Malick Lowe

    President of The Local Elected Woman’s Network of Africa (REFELA), Mayor of the City of Banjul, The Gambia.

    REFELA Structure


    Network governance mode

    With its own rules of procedure, the governance of REFELA is structured according to the 3 territorial levels, Continental, Regional and National, following the example of UCLG Africa.

    The network is organized around :

  • The General Assembly, which is the highest decision-making structure of REFELA and which is held every 3 years, on the sidelines of the UCLG Africa Africities Summit, brings together all women holding an elective office or who have been appointed to similar positions within local governments.
  • The Network Committee, which is the body directly elected by the General Assembly, comprises forty-five (45) active members, including nine (9) members for each of the five African sub-regions (North Africa, West Africa, East Africa, Central Africa and Southern Africa)
  • The Bureau, which is elected from among the members of the Commission, is composed of 15 members, three (3) from each of the 5 African sub-regions;
  • The Presidency, which is elected from among the members of the Bureau, is composed of 5 Vice-Presidents, one for each of the 5 sub-regions of Africa, among whom the President of REFELA is elected.
  • At the country level, REFELA is represented by the National Chapters, which constitute the permanent gender equality commissions of the national associations
  • Our Campaigns

  • See the brochure of Campaign of African Cities Without Street Children (HERE)
  • See the brochure of Campaign of African Cities for the Economic Empowerment of Women (HERE)
  • See the brochure of African Cities with Zero Tolerance towards Violence Against Women and Girls (HERE)
  • See the brochure of REFELA in Action (HERE)
  • See the Local and Regional Governments’ Charter for Gender Equality in Africa (HERE)
  • Blog & News

    On March 15, 2015, the United Nations Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon, paid tribute to a group of officials striving to reduce risks of natural disasters.

    Among these champions, Mrs. Fatimetou Abdel Malick, President of the Network of Locally Elected Women of Africa (REFELA) and Mayor of Tevragh-Zeina in Mauritania represented Africa and REFELA.

    Mayor of Victoria, Jacqueline Moustache-Belle, nominated for World Mayor Award 2014.

    Mme. Nassénéba Touré is awarded Ivory Coast Best Mayor Award August 2014

    Ketcha Courtes, Mayor from the Municipality of Bangangte, received an Excellency Award at the United Nations Public Service Awards 2014 for her work on a sustainable project in the water and sanitation sector.

    National capacity building seminar for Local Elected Women in Cameroon

    Take Action

    Strategic Action Plan REFELA for 2022-2024


    Help REFELA raise money to support our campaigns for #AfricanCities. Your donation will support women in selected cities and municipalities find shelter for street children, capacity build and support women to improve livelihoods and gain leadership skills that will empower communities.
    Kindly contact :