Audience: The First Lady Dominique Ouattara exchanges with the President of REFELA, Mrs. Macoura Coulibaly Dao

The First Lady of Côte d’Ivoire, Dominique Ouattara exchanged with Mrs. Macoura Coulibaly Dao, President of the Network of Local Elected Women of Africa (REFELA) and Mayor of the commune of Foumbolo, on Tuesday, 26 October 2021, at her office in Cocody. The meeting was attended by Mrs. Dagnogo Karidjatou, Mayor of Sirasso in the Poro region, Vice President of REFELA-local and Mrs. Diomandé Salimata, Mayor of Djibrosso in the Woroba region, Secretary General of REFELA.

The exchanges, during this audience, focused among other things on the presentation of the activities of the Network of Local Elected Women of Africa (REFELA), but also, on the solicitude of the sponsorship of the wife of the Head of State for the launch of the campaign of African cities committed to the fight for zero children on the street. The First Lady, who is also President of the Children of Africa Foundation, accepted this request because of her decades-long commitment to the welfare of children in difficult situations in Africa.