UCLG-City of Bogota Peace Prize

In 2008, the UCLG Committee on City Diplomacy, chaired by the Association of Netherlands Municipalities (VNG), organized the First World Conference on City Diplomacy in Hague. This event recommended launching a local government peace prize. This prize has taken shape in the UCLG City of Bogotá Peace Prize.

The UCLG-City of Bogota Peace Prize aims to recognize the important role local governments play in conflict areas. On November 19, 2015, this prize was presented by the organizers (the City of Bogotá, the Provincial Council of Barcelona, the Dutch NGO PAX and VNG International, the international cooperation agency of the Association of Netherlands Municipalities) to the media.

The goals of this prize are:

– To create a momentum and draw international public attention towards local governments who implement strategies for conflict prevention, peacebuilding and post-conflict reconstruction;

– To contribute to full acknowledgement of local governments as peacebuilding actors, thus creating a more effective approach to conflict resolution, and

– To promote the development of innovative initiatives of local governments to foster peace.

Therefore, in order to submit their application to the UCLG-City of Bogota Peace Prize, local governments from different parts of the globe can log the dedicated website here

For more information about the UCLG-City of Bogota Peace prize, click here.

Tags :

Prize,  Peace,  Bogota,