Climate Chance Summit 2016: Check out Nantes Declaration of Climate Actors
The Climate Chance World Summit, which was held on 26 to 28 September 2016 in Nantes (France), has led to the adoption of the declaration of Nantes untitled: «Strengthening concrete action to bridge the gap between current commitments and the objectives of the Paris Agreement.”
More than 3,000 participants from 62 nationalities took part in this first edition of the actors of the climate summit. A good sign for this summit, which aims to become a regular event for all non-state actors, involved in the fight against climate change (Local Authorities, businesses, associations, trade unions, scientific community, citizens).
The main points of the declaration include:
– The necessity for a common approach regarding climate and development;
– The necessity for an easier access to finance, particularly for actors in developing States;
– Key point of this new non-State actors’ roadmap: getting ready to contribute to the evaluation of the 2018 voluntary contributions each State will present in the Paris Agreement framework.
The declaration is available here
The declaration has already registered more than 100 signatures. Organizations, which desire to sign the document, are requested to send an e-mail to