Celebration of Africa day (PRESS RELEASE)
On May 25, 2021, the Institute of African Studies at the University of Mohammed V in Rabat in partnership with UCLG Africa, is holding a seminar on the occasion of the celebration of Africa Day. The meeting will be held in a blended format (face- to- face: at the headquarters of the Institute of African Studies in Rabat and online) under the theme of “Cultural and creative economy, a lever for sustainable development”.
The Africa Day celebrates the anniversary of the signing of the agreements of the OAU (Organization of African Unity), on May 25, 1963. This is an opportunity for each country to organize events in the aim to promote rapprochement between African peoples. This day coincides this year with 3 major events:
– The African Union has adopted, for 2021, the theme of “Arts, culture and heritage: a lever to build the Africa We Want”,
– The UN has declared 2021 ” International Year of Creative Economy for Sustainable Development “,
– United Cities and Local Governments of Africa (UCLG Africa) designated the city of Rabat as “African Capital of Culture”.
The seminar will address the place of the cultural and creative economy as an essential element to the achievement of Africa we want (2063 Agenda of the African Union): culture and arts, heritage, and culture, as a lever to build Africa.
Internationally renowned panelists and subject matter experts are expected to attend this meeting. They will discuss in particular:
– The creative and cultural industries and the attractiveness of territories.
– The digital revolution, accelerator of renewed ownership by young people of African culture and creativity.
– The training needs for the professions of the cultural and creative industries.
– The conditions to be put in place for the emergence of cultural places with international influence in Africa.
In addition, this will be an opportunity for young Africans to exchange views and ideas, and to express their creative messages for ” The Africa they want “.
For further information please contact:
Gaëlle Yomi : Tél : + 212 610 56 71 45 E-mail : gyomi@uclga.org
Abdelkader Betari : Tél : + 212 661 554 557, E-mail : a.betari@um5.ac.ma
About UCLG Africa
United Cities and Local Governments of Africa (UCLG Africa) is the umbrella organization which ensures the representation of local authorities in Africa. UCLG Africa has 51 national associations of local authorities and more than 2,000 cities and local governments who are direct members. Through its members, UCLG Africa represents more than 350 million African citizens. Website of UCLG Africa: www.uclga.org
About the Institute of African Studies
The IEA is an academic institution specializing in Africa under the Mohammed V University of Rabat. It was created following a decision of the late His Majesty King Hassan II in 1987 within the framework of the confirmation of the African calling of Morocco and began its activities in April 1990. It was also created to be an interface allowing to promote Morocco in Africa and Africa in Morocco. Website of the IEA: http://iea.um5.ac.ma/