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Round Table on “Towards accelerating and strengthening local climate action in the Central African region”

In the framework of the action plan of the Covenant of Mayors for Sub-Saharan Africa (CoM SSA) and in order to further mobilize local and regional authorities in Central Africa in the process of implementing the climate agenda, a round table was held on 26 October  2021, at the headquarters of the Libreville City Hall (Gabon). The session was co-chaired by Ms. Christine Mba N’Dutume, President of the Mayors of Gabon represented by Ms. Annie Chrystel Limbourg Iwenga, Deputy Mayor of Libreville, in charge of Decentralized Cooperation and Intercollectivities, H. E. Ms. Rosario Bento Pais, Ambassador of the European Union in Gabon.

Moderated by Mr. Jean Pierre Elong  Mbassi, Secretary General of UCLG Africa, the Round Table was attended by Presidents of associations, mayors, Permanent Secretaries of CEMAC countries and mayors of Gabonese municipalities.

At the end of this round table it was decided:

  1. To launch a regional readiness program for the CEMAC region in partnership with the Forum of Banks and Deposits and the Green Climate Fund (GCF) through the GCF focal points in the countries of the region.
  2. Accompany the region’s communes in the process of joining the CoM SSA

This round table was followed by a capacity building workshop for local government associations on climate action in the areas of:

– Decentralized cooperation

– Climate finance

– Territorial climate plans (adaptation – mitigation)

This workshop was facilitated by :

Mr. Mohamed Nbou, Director of the Climate, Biodiversity and Food Security Department

Mr. Sébastien Leclef, Policy Officer, CoM SSA.