The AMS organized the first Congress of mayors of Senegal
The Association of Mayors of Senegal (AMS) organizes the 1st Congress of mayors of Senegal from 22 to 24 March 2016, at Diamniadio.
The theme for the event is “Innovative Financing for Sustainable Development: Partnerships for a Greater role of Local Authorities”.
The aims of AMS is to offer ‘to national and international local development stakeholders, a platform for practical exchanges on the modalities of financing of the programs initiated by/and local and regional authorities, in the context of the mitigation of climate change”, says the brochure of presentation.
The Congress of mayors being held at the International Conference Centre Abdou Diouf will be punctuated by three activities:
-The annual general meeting of the AMS
– The International Symposium co-organized with the International Association of francophone mayors (AIMF) and the European Union.
-The Exhibition of mayors and sustainable development «SAMADD».
The General Assembly will be an opportunity to present to 557 mayors of Senegal, the balance sheet of the Association on the year 2015 , to adopt the strategic five-year Development Plan (2016-2020) of the Association, as well as its operational programs 2016-2017. A process that will allow the strengthening of the AMS, as a receptacle for the concerns of its members and a platform of solidarity between communities.
The International Symposium will be an opportunity to share experiences and expertise through two workshops: 1. what innovative mechanisms for cooperation between local communities themselves on the one hand and between the latter and the State on the other, to mobilize funding for an effective policy of mitigation and adaptation to the consequences of climate change. 2. What national and international sources and new financial mechanisms cities can use to implement adaptation and mitigation of climate change projects?
The Exhibition of mayors and sustainable development will be a meeting space that will house the stands of partners including industry, services, solutions and products can respond to the problems encountered by the local authorities. Six poles of activities are offered to the exhibitors: food processing, construction, energy and environment, Telecommunications, consulting and services for business and public sector, development partners, civil society and local communities.