CALL FOR APPLICATIONS – Senior Climate Finance Consultant – (TERMS OF REFERENCES)
I. Background:
The year 2023 will be a crucial year for the implementation of the Paris Agreement provisions and will be marked by many important milestones that will shape climate future such as the Global Goal on Adaptation (GGA), the Global Stocktake (GST), the New Collective Quantified Finance Goal (NCQG)… with an expected ambitious outcomes for the Twenty-Eighth Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Conference on Climate Change (COP28) and its implementing instruments (Kyoto Protocol & Paris Agreement), in particular for Africa.
Several bodies and forums will deal formally and informally with these important topics and AAI needs to get fully involved and impactful in order to ensure appropriate conduct and implementation of its Work Plan for the benefits of all its African members. Among these bodies, AAI have to secure adequate participation for COP28, GCF board meetings and workshops, SCF and Adaptation Fund meetings and activities…
II. Objective:
COP28 preparation and work will need continuous experts and advisory supports for the full year 2022. This will concern strategic, organizational and technical advices by a senior consultant.
From strategic perspective, the selected expert needs to continuously provide advice and make proposals on the wished African COP28 outcomes, including on adaptation and finance, the GGA, GST, NCQG, Doubling adaptation finance, GCF, AF, SCF…
From organizational side, and building on at least fifteen years of experience, the expert must provide guidance and make suggestions on the most appropriate way Africa, AGN and COP processes need to be organized and be as successful as COP28 must be, as well as GCF participation and outcomes in support to AGN GCF board members/alternates.
On climate technical and substantial negotiations, the senior consultant needs to provide support and advise for GCF, SCF, AF, SBs, COP and preparatory meetings, including on Pre-COP if any, preparation and work, on:
– Act as GCF Primary Adviser
– follow AF and SCF meetings and activities
– COP Adviser on Adaptation, Climate Finance and Strategic related matters
– Support knowledge (SOAR & CCXG) (Climate finance and Adaptation)
– Capacity building activities related to Adaptation and Climate Finance
– any other activities deemed necessary by the AAI TSU Coordinator
III. Activities to be undertaken include:
Written summary progress reports of the meetings and sessions including outcomes of recommendations. Briefing documents and articles under the UNFCCC process and GCF as needed and requested. Preparation of technical reports and briefing notes on the key aspects of the ongoing GCF activities and UNFCCC negotiations.
Advisory role on strategy of engagement on the different elements in the negotiations on adaptation and climate finance, as well as for the different bodies such as SCF, AF, GCF…. Provide assessment of linkages between the different elements of the processes. Provide analysis and updates on key international developments impacting the climate negotiations, GCF and climate finance issues. Advisory role on the strategy of engagement, analysis and update on Africa adaptation and climate finance issues. Provide inputs related to work undertaken in the UNFCCC Negotiations and technical advisers in particular work related to policy and strategic approach to the negotiations on adaptation and climate finance. Advice on the updated African Common positions on Adaptation and Climate Finance. Advisory roll to African board member on Green Climate Fund (GCF), Standing Committee on Finance (SCF) and Adaptation Fund Board (AFB), pending availability of support for in-person participation. Participation to different forums such as CCXG (OECD), UNECA, AMCEN….
Outputs & Deliverables:
· Progress reports on the key outcomes of areas of work and support provided to the AAI Coordinator
· Preparation of technical reports and briefing notes for the AAI Coordinator on the key aspects of UNFCCC/PA negotiations, GCF, SCF, AF as requested and appropriate
IV. Outcomes
Contributing to an ambitious negotiations outcomes and adequate results for Africa by supporting the AAI, AGN and GCF work plan (implementation) as well as towards COP28.
IV. Budget
The budget for this work is EUR 35,000 excluding travel budget, covering 100 working days (over a period of twelve months) for a rate of 350 US$/day.
Should the need arise support will be provided to the consultant for the duration of the contract for travel budget with DSA and e-ticket. The consultant must request approval in advance for these expenses.
V. Payment schedule
Payments will be made according to the payment schedule set out below:
· Monthly invoice payment
The stated budget is for professional fees and does not include travel expenses and expenses related to participation to COP, meetings…
CV and cover letter to Mr. Youssef Tanarhte, Administrative and Financial Director with copy to:
– Ms. Iyamma PABA SALE, Human Resources Officer of UCLG Africa:;
– Ms. Soumia Benlebsir, Project Manager, Climate, Biodiversity and Food System Department,;
– Mr. Roland Georges AMEHOU, Africa Adaptation Initiative (AAI):
Before thursday, September 28, 2023.