Don’t miss the INTA 42 Congress under the Theme : “The Hidden Value of Medium-Sized Cities”

A first for INTA, the 42nd Annual Congress is to be held in Germany. It is a fantastic opportunity to understand the territorial and urban management changes taking place in one of the most advanced industrialised countries, and the new relationships that are being established between the central, regional, metropolitan and rural levels in the production of an efficient, effective and enjoyable urban society.

Europe is composed of predominantly medium-sized and small cities that intend to exist politically and economically side by side with big cities and metropolises. However, there is recognition that the current focus on large cities is too narrow to promote genuine economic and technological development, social wellbeing and environmental resilience of all territories. The concept of the Regional City: “Regiopolis” was therefore developed by the City of Rostock for these small and second-tier cities to gain a specific and dynamic place in the territorial system, and to foster the conditions for social, technological and economic innovation.

How to reveal the hidden value of medium-sized cities? This central theme will be addressed through different formats: policy plenaries, technical visits, workshops, keynotes, and networking.

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