The African Union (AU) has announced the theme for the 2021 edition of the African Decentralization and Local Development Day (ADD), celebrated on 10 August of each year.
It is entitled: “The contribution of arts, culture and heritage in the sustainable development of African cities and territories”.
The African Charter of Values and Principles of Decentralization, Local Governance and Local Development, adopted in June 2014 by the Heads of State and Government meeting at their Summit in Malabo, in its Article 20 paragraph 4, institutes the commemoration of the African Decentralization and Local Development Day (ADD) on 10 August each year. The celebration of the ADD by all AU Member States is organized under the authority of the Sub-Committee on Decentralization and Local Development of the African Union Specialized Technical Committee No. 8 (AU-STC Nb 8) including the African ministers of public service, urban development and local governments and decentralization.
The theme chosen for the celebration of the ADD is based on the theme of the year defined by the Heads of State and Government of the African Union. The Heads of State and Government of the African Union have defined 2021 as the Year of arts, culture and heritage in Africa. It is in line with this choice that the theme for the celebration of the African Day of Decentralization and Local Development 2021 has been chosen, specified the concept note produced by the AU.
Three sub-themes have been defined, inviting African cities and territories to reflect on them:
Subtheme 1: Using art and culture as levers for social inclusion and for the promotion of the sense of belonging and oneness in African cities and territories
Subtheme 2: Mobilizing the energy of youth to boost the contribution of cultural and creative industries in job creation and sustainable development of African cities and territories
Subtheme 3: Developing activities around cultural heritage as a way to build city identity and to promote city branding and territorial marketing
The celebration aims to:
– sensitize and inform the general public;
– share positive experiences and good practices among Member States; but also
– recognize and encourage cities and territories that excel in the implementation of remarkable actions in the area of arts, culture and heritage.
Read the concept note here.