Main Activities of ALGA until the end of September 2022
The months of August and September have been devoted in particular to the following main activities:
- The mobilization of the Local and Regional Governments and the support to the preparation of projects to be submitted to the African Fund in Support of International Decentralized Cooperation (FACDI) of the Directorate General of Territorial Collectivities (DGCT) of the Ministry of the Interior of Morocco.
Several online meetings were organized, in coordination with the DGCT, to explain the modalities and procedures of the 3rd Call for Projects, to identify partners and to prepare the files to be submitted to the FACDI.
Two projects were supported and submitted by UCLG Africa, namely the Health and Sanitary Cooperation Project in the framework of the Partnership with the Moroccan Association les Rangs d’Honneur as well as the Executive Master in City Management in Africa (MEMVA), in partnership with Al Akhawayn University of Morocco, which will be delivered in English.
- The follow-up of the finalization of the modalities of operationalization of the e-Academy, in particular the modalities of payment (by bank transfer, by PayPal and by credit card), as well as the identification of resource persons for the digitalization of new courses. This is the case for the digitization of the training course on Decentralized Cooperation and International Action of Local and Regional Governments.
- The continuation of the finalization of the study on the creation of an Accreditation and Quality Assurance Pole for training and capacity building.
- Contribution to the preparation of the FORAF
The Director of ALGA was mobilized to contribute to the preparation of the FORAF scientific program, in collaboration and coordination with the DGCT of the Ministry of the Interior, the ARM and the Regional Council of the Oriental.
5.Participation in the virtual meeting of the CIB of UCLG World on September 15th, 2022, especially for the preparation of the Congress of Daejeon and the activities of 2023. In the framework of this Congress, ALGA will organize a Session on Tuesday, October 11th, 2022 on “Promoting Principles of Effective Governance in Africa: Peer Learning among African Local and Regional Governments”. (More info).
- Participation in the Financial Managers Training Program in Abidjan during which a presentation on ALGA was made to partners and participants. (More info)
- The visit of the CAMPC, one of ALGA’s anchoring Institutes, in Abidjan on September 19th, 2022, to exchange on projects of common interest. It was agreed that the CAMPC will play from now on a role of Regional Hub for West Africa, by mobilizing the Vice President of UCLG Africa for this same Region.
- In the area of training, capacity building and peer learning, and within the framework of the Partnership Agreement with ADEME, two activities were carried out from 20 to 24 September 2022, namely:
8.1. The 20-21/09/2022: Participation of a team of ALGA and an African delegation to the 2nd edition of the INNOPOLIS Expo dedicated to Territorial and Digital Innovations. A presentation of ALGA was made in the Stand of ADEME, having allowed to widen the network of partners of the Academy. This activity was marked by several round tables, particularly in the African area. It is so of the Ceremony of Delivery “Of the Eco-Trophies Africa”, where the Honorable Mr. Mohamed Chrourou, President of the Council of the Municipality of Oulmès of the Kingdom of Morocco received this Trophy for 2022;
8.2. On 21/09/2021 : ADEME organized for the delegation a visit to the new city Ile Séguin which used to house the Renault factories. The planning, the urban development and the architecture of the city were presented by its Development Company .
8.3. On 22-24 :09/2022 : organization at ADEME Headquarters of a Test Training Session, in Hybrid mode, on the Module “Elaboration and Implementation of a Territorial Strategy of Adaptation to Climate Change in African Cities. This training benefited some 50 participants (Mayors, Local Elected Officials, Territorial Managers and Experts from the following countries: Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, Congo, Djibouti, France, Gabon, Guinea, Madagascar, Mali, Morocco, Niger, Democratic Republic of Congo, Senegal, Chad, Togo and Tunisia.
- On 29-30/09/2022: Preparation and organization of the 1st Virtual Regional Workshop on the project of Standards of Excellence in Human Resources Management of Local and Regional Governments, in partnership with the Local Africa HRNet Network, the African Center for Management and Executive Development (CAMPC), Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, the National Capacity Building Program for City Management (PNFMV), Yaoundé, Cameroon, the Cabinet LMS-Ressources Humaines, Morocco. The workshop was attended by some 50 participants (Mayors of Municipalities, partners, HRD, territorial executives, resource persons. (More info).
- The updating of the ALGA Website which has known until the end of September 2022, some 7000 visits, that is to say + of 43% compared to the same date in 2021.
- The elaboration of the call for contribution of the 7th Issue of “The African Local Manager’s Voice” in French and English (More info).
- The preparation of the activities of the months of October-December 2022, in particular the 6th edition of the African Forum of Territorial Managers and Training Institutes (FAMI6_2022), scheduled from November 28th to December 3rd, 2022 in the Souss-Massa Region.