Deploying Capital Together: US-Africa Municipal and Sub-sovereign Investors Roundtable 

Following the successful inaugural US-Africa Municipal and Sub-Sovereign Investors Forum organized by UCLG Africa on September 18, 2023, at Wall Street Hotel, New York, an Investors’ roundtable meeting will be held on September 25, 2024, in New York. The theme of the Roundtable will be “Deploying Capital Together”.  

Hon. Eric Adams, Mayor of New York City, will give an opening statement to the delegates, including investors, development financial institutions, commercial banks, US cooperation agencies, the American Black Caucus of State Legislators, Mayors and Leaders of Subnational and Local governments from Africa and the United States, and members of the business community as well as experts and professionals from the two continents. 

The Roundtable’s Objectives 

The US-Africa Municipal and Sub-Sovereign Investors Roundtable will focus on strategic ways to direct private impact capital in municipalities and sub-sovereign governments in Africa. The Roundtable will address: 

  1. i. A progress update from the inaugural US-Africa Municipal and Sub-Sovereign Investors Forum with a particular focus on the implementation of the Africa Territorial Investment Agency (ATIA) 
  2. Exploration of strategic ways to direct private impact capital to underinvested, yet resource rich in most cases, municipalities and sub-sovereign governments. The dialogue will include effective ways to raise living standards by providing economic opportunities and building thriving inclusive communities.  A US municipal case study on Place-based impact investing will be reviewed and lessons learned shared.

iii. Deployment of capital together in action – investors, including development financial institutions and commercial banks, will share their views on impact investment and their commitment to ATIA as well as confirmation of early or growth-stage participation.  

Key commitments, actions and next steps will be summarized following the three sessions of the US-Africa Municipal and Sub-sovereign Investors Roundtable   

Expected outcomes 

The Roundtable aims to achieve the following: 

– Mapping of the US place-based investing community ready to share its experience and lessons learned with sub-sovereign and local governments in Africa 

– Definition of a Roadmap for a smooth operationalization of ATIA 

– Commitment by investors to support the implementation of the Africa Territorial Investment Agency (ATIA) Roadmap  

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