Call for Expression of Interest To Participate in the Empowerment, Awareness, Training and Capacity Building Program of UCLG Africa

As part of the implementation of its 2024 Action Plan, and the “Capacity Building of Local Governments and their National Associations, Knowledge Production and Dissemination” Pillar, United Cities and Local Governments of Africa (UCLGA Africa), through its African Local Government Academy  (ALGA), has programmed a series of activities in 2024 to empower the Members and Networks of this Organization, by organizing and deploying a Program based on a rich and diverse Methodology including Awareness Raising, Training, Training of Trainers, Capacity Building and Development, Peer Learning, e-Learning, Study Tours, Field Visits, Case Studies, Exchange of Experiences and Best Practices, as well as the Academy’s annual  Forum (FAMI8_2024).

This Program also relies on ALGA’s Network of African and International Partners, who support the UCLG Africa Academy by designing joint programs, sharing teaching-learning methods and tools, and mobilizing experts and resource persons, mobilization of fundings or co-financing activities, in a spirit of collaboration, cooperation, partnership and co-creation.

Target audience:

Using inclusive and participatory approaches, this program targets:

– National and Regional Associations of Local and Regional Governments, members of UCLG Africa and up to date in the payment of their dues to UCLG Africa;

– Presidents and Mayors of Local Governments as well as Councillors, and local elected representatives;

– Civil servants, Managers, Executives, and employees of Local and Regional Governments;

– The various components of Civil Society willing to take charge of their training;

– Representatives of Universities, Schools, Training Institutes and Research Centers;

– The Community of Experts.

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