Call for contributions for N°8 of the Voice of the African Local Manager

As part of the activities of the Local Africa Network HRnet and the Observatory of Local Governments’ Human Resources in Africa of UCLG Africa, we have the honor to share with you the Call for Contribution for the 8th Issue of the African Local Manager’s Voice on the theme:  “Promoting Citizen Engagement, Public Participation and Access to Information at the Local Level in Africa: Challenges, Experiences and Innovative Practices”.

The African Local Manager’s Voice is a periodical publication produced by the African Local Government Academy (ALGA) of UCLG Africa, the Network of HR Managers of African Local Governments, and the Observatory of Human Resources of Local Governments of UCLG Africa, within the framework of the enhancement, motivation and development of Human Resources of Local and Subnational Governments in Africa, as well as within the framework of regional and local initiatives.

It is a forum offered to Territorial Managers as a space for exchange, communication, debate and networking, making it possible to give visibility to Territorial Managers, to hear their voices, opinions and concerns, to exchange their experiences. success stories, and best practices. It is also a window where they can present and promote their missions, their jobs, their challenges, their innovations, and their creativity. Finally, it is an opportunity for them to discuss the various issues related to Human Resources Management at the local level. Taking due account of the cultural diversity which characterizes our continent, the Bulletin can welcome contributions in the different languages used at UCLG Africa, in particular English, French, Portuguese, and Arabic.The deadline for submission of contributions is set for June 1st, 2023.Do not hesitate to contact us and to visit the Portal of UCLG Africa: and the website of its Academy ALGA:

Read  the full call here