America-Africa Women Economic Virtual Forum

Theme: Women Empowered for Economic Revival Beyond the Pandemic and Injustice:

The Sequel to the 2020 Inaugural Africa – America Women’s Economic Forum and Trade Expo (AAWEF).

Thursday, January 28

More information here 

World Day for African and Afro-descendant Culture (24 January)


In November 2019, the 40th session of UNESCO’s General Conference proclaimed January 24 of each year as the World Day for African and Afro-descendant Culture.

This date coincides with the adoption of the Charter for the Cultural Renaissance of Africa in 2006 by the Heads of State and Government of the African Union.

This celebration is the result of efforts led by the African Network of Cultural Promoters and Entrepreneurs (RAPEC) with the support of UCLG Africa.

The theme chosen for the year 2021 is: “Celebrating African culture for a reconciled Humanity”.

UCLG Africa Statutory meetings 2020

The 24th session of UCLG Africa Executive Committee will be held online, on 7 December 2020. In the afternoon of the same day the Pan-African Council of the organization will also meet.

This 23rd session of the Executive Committee will adopt the 2021 budget of UCLG Africa.

As a reminder, UCLG Africa’s Executive Committee is the body in charge of the political leadership of the organization. The Executive Committee is comprised of 16 members, 15 members equally representing each of the 5 regions of the continent, (3 for each of the 5 regions), plus the President of the Network of Locally Elected Women of Africa (REFELA – UCLG Africa’s gender committee). The Pan-African Council of UCLG Africa is composed of forty-five (45) active members, nine (9) for each African sub-region.

Vienna Migration Conference

The Vienna Migration Conference (VMC) is ICMPD’s annual flagship event for discussing the most challenging and politically relevant issues in the field of migration together with political decision makers, government experts, and representatives from the academic world, the media and the civil society.

Read More.

Climate Chance Summit Africa

The Climate Chance Association alongside the National Association for local authorities of Ghana (NALAG) held a press conference during the 50th session of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change negotiations in order to present the Climate Chance Summit Africa 2019.

Read More. 

World Metropolitan Day

This event is celebrated yearly on October 7th, marking the anniversary of the Montréal Declaration on Metropolitan Areas (2015).  It is a unique opportunity for communities from across the world to come together to make visible the metropolitan reality: the growth of the world’s urbanized areas beyond the jurisdictional boundaries of municipalities, generating complex urban systems where the world’s greatest transformations take place.

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