The network is organized around :

  • The General Assembly, which is the highest decision-making structure of REFELA and which is held every 3 years, on the sidelines of the UCLG Africa Africities Summit, brings together all women holding an elective office or who have been appointed to similar positions within local governments.
  • The Network Committee, which is the body directly elected by the General Assembly, comprises forty-five (45) active members, including nine (9) members for each of the five African sub-regions (North Africa, West Africa, East Africa, Central Africa and Southern Africa)
  • The Bureau, which is elected from among the members of the Commission, is composed of 15 members, three (3) from each of the 5 African sub-regions;
  • The Presidency, which is elected from among the members of the Bureau, is composed of 5 Vice-Presidents, one for each of the 5 sub-regions of Africa, among whom the President of REFELA is elected.
  • At the country level, REFELA is represented by the National Chapters, which constitute the permanent gender equality commissions of the national associations


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