UCLG Africa and ALGA invite you to register for the annual meeting of the UCLG Capacity and Institution Building Working Group (CIB) in eThekwini

This year, the annual meeting of the UCLG Capacity and Institution Building Working Group (CIB) is hosted by the South African Local Government Association (SALGA) and will take place in the city of eThekwini on 26 to 28 September 2017.

The CIB will be organized in close partnership between UCLGSALGA, United Cities and Local Governments of Africa (UCLG Africa) /African Local Government Academy (ALGA), Municipal Institute of Learning (MILE), International Cooperation Agency of the Association of Netherlands Municipalities (VNG International), Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM), and Ajuntament de Barcelona.

This year’s CIB annual meeting is the first meeting to take place on the African continent and the participation of many African Local Government Associations (LGAs) is expected. UCLG Africa and its African Local Governments Academy (ALGA) is inviting their members to register at this important event.

The meeting will gather directors and managers of international departments from the various associations of local governments and cities. There will be interesting keynote speakers and a diversity of panels and breakout sessions on new developments in development cooperation, project management and at the level of the donor community. The Draft of the Agenda is available here (PDF).


The registration form must be received before 15th August. Please make sure to register by filling out the form available here:


Information about hotel reservations can be found in the registration pack. Should you require any additional (logistical) information, please don’t hesitate to contact uclg.cib@vng.nl

For more information about the event please visit the website: http://www.cib-uclg.org/