Online Course in Decentralised Cooperation ( registration open until 15 September)

The Observatory of Decentralised Cooperation EU-LA is launching the fourteenth edition of the online training course in Decentralised Cooperation.

The online training offered by the Observatory will be taught in English, Spanish and French. This will lead to a broader diversity of visions and experiences that will unquestionably result in a richer training.

This course aims to provide local governments with the tools to tackle the challenge of finding opportunities to improve the well-being of their citizens through decentralised cooperation relations. This is a specialisation within international relations and cooperation, closely linked to development and local governance.

Target audience:

The programme primarily targets technical and political decision-makers in international relations and development cooperation at local and regional governments. Similarly, it encourages the participation of applicants from other spheres of government, who guide and manage decentralised cooperation programmes.

The course will run in Spanish, English and French, at the same time, so that candidates from all countries in the world speaking either of those two languages may apply.

Training goals:

·         Pinpoint the benefits of international projection.

·         Highlight the difference between the logic of international cooperation and development in decentralised cooperation actions.

·         Identify the challenges of decentralised cooperation.

·         Embrace the culture of partnerships and agreements.

·         Acquire notions of the management of decentralised cooperation initiatives and instruments: planning, establishment of partnerships, project management and communication management.

·         Learn the rules of cooperation: appropriation, harmonisation, alignment, sustainability, etc.

·         Share various real experiences of decentralised cooperation.



Lesson 1: The international action of local and regional governments

Lesson 2: General framework of development cooperation

Lesson 3: Decentralised cooperation

Lesson 4: Modalities of decentralised cooperation

Lesson 5: Management and evaluation of cooperation projects



The training is designed specifically for experts with a professional activity. It is NOT compulsory to be connected to the Campus at any specific time, so each participant may adapt the learning hours to their own agenda.

Furthermore, this online course is clearly designed to be practical.  Accordingly, there is a strong bias towards activities, most notably those that generate an underlying debate or that are conducted in groups and in relation to practical cases.

Before starting the training as such, the course includes a Module 0 that introduces students to the dynamics and strategies of online training; enabling them to become familiar with the virtual environment and its main tools for communication and interaction with the group.

There will be a teacher and a reference tutor to walk the group through the course materials and the activities linked of each topic.

Applications and admissions:

A total of 35 places are offered for each of the three language modalities (English, Spanish and French). The course carries no cost for participants since the training is offered entirely through scholarships sponsored by the Barcelona Provincial Government.

Once all the applications have been received, the evaluation committee will review the various profiles and select the 35 successful applicants for each of the two language modalities. The selection process will take into account the applicant’s suitability in connection with the target audience profile described above, and will seek to ensure a balanced intake, with participants from as many countries as possible.

The course takes place over 3 months and has a total of 60 equivalent class hours. Participants. 

Key dates:

15 September 2019: Registration period closes.

23 September 2019: Course starts.

15 December 2019: Course ends.

Pre-inscriptions: Application form

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