10:48:042019-08-01 10:48:04UCLG-Africa, through its African Local Governments Academy (ALGA) elected to the Board of Management of the International Association of Schools and Institutes of Administration (AISIA) for the term 2019-2022 11:05:502019-07-02 11:24:37Participation of UCLG Africa/ALGA to the workshop on :« Effective model for the Delivery of Public Services contributing to the realization of Human Rights and the SDGs » 10:05:512019-07-01 10:31:37Report of the side event of UCLG Africa SIDE & ISESCO : “Improving effective Delivery of Services at Local Level: Challenges and Innovative Approaches” 11:17:292019-04-17 11:17:29The 4th Study Tour to the Kingdom of Morocco for Florida International University (FIU) Students From 8 to 12 April 2019 10:22:512019-03-22 10:22:51Report on the Participation of UCLG Africa to the 21th General Assembly on the International Experts of the Fondation Romualdo Del Bianco 08:04:342018-07-12 08:04:34Assessing the Institutional Environment of Local Governments in Africa